Saturday, April 30, 2016

You should never discuss politics and religion!

You've heard the old adage, "you should never discuss politics and religion" in any social setting lest contention break out.  Have you ever felt like you couldn't resist?

I mean, how many mundane things can we really talk about before boredom settles in and you feel like doing anything else but talking. The water cooler discussions about this movie or that show or last night's game are so shallow - yet in order to keep up appearances that we are "in the know" we forge ahead acting like it was the most interesting thing ever.  Yawn!

You know what gets the juices flowing. Politics and religion! Yes, that's right - those things which we must never bring up if we want folks to like us. Or are we too afraid to make waves?

Have you ever experienced sending out that opinion on Facebook or over email that generated a firestorm of differing opinions heading back your way?  You feel the hairs standing on the back of your neck, the blood starts flowing a little faster - your heartbeat picks up a little bit. Yes, that's the feeling of being alive!

That's what I'm going to do on this blog - talk politics and religion! And I'll throw in some other of life's conundrums and happenings that everyone might relate to.

I am a middle-aged father of two and married to my wife of almost 18 years. I'm a politically religious person with many strong opinions, insightful observations and no doubt, many questions. Please join me along my journey as I seek for truth in a day of great confusion.